Our Organisation

Our Organisation

College Sport Auckland’s vision is that sport is valued as a vehicle for enhancing the wellbeing of all secondary school students in Auckland.

On behalf of the Greater Auckland secondary schools, we provide the leadership and support to ensure our vision is achieved. We facilitate consistent quality sport competitions and events, and work in partnerships to ensure the sporting experience is accessible, affordable, and rewarding.

College Sport Auckland has been operating since 1989 as a facilitator of secondary school sport in the Greater Auckland region. Currently there are 113 member schools and the organisation is governed by a board of seven Principals and three independent members. We operate with eight staff, providing both season and tournament opportunities in partnership with regional sporting organisations.

Our History

College Sport Auckland was established as a charitable entity in 1989 by the Principals of Auckland, to assist in the delivery of interschool sport to their member schools.

Before 1989, interschool sport in the region was run by teacher committees in various codes overseen by a body known as the Auckland Secondary Schools Headmaster’s Association. At this time, a boys committee and a girls committee assisted in the delivery of sport and the two earlier Headmaster’s Association chairmen in the 1980’s were Jack Kelly (Takapuna Grammar School) and Jim Paton (Kelston Boys High School). College Sport Auckland came about due to the proliferation of sport in the schools and the resultant increasing demands placed on teacher committees. It was the vision of the Principals that an independent professional administrative body backed up with bylaws and regulations was required to alleviate the pressure on these committees.

The ASSHA Establishment Board 1988-1989:

  • Hugh Richards, Papatoetoe High School (Chair)

  • Nigel Toy, Saint Kentigern College

  • Tom Gerard, Rosmini College

  • John Graham, Auckland Grammar School

  • Dawn Jones, Diocesan School

  • Colin Pascoe, Westlake Boys High School

  • Murray Wilton, Dilworth School

  • Rob Boston, CEO

The Chair 1989-Present:

  • Hugh Richards, Papatoetoe High School

  • Gail Thompson, Diocesan School

  • Chris Saunders, Onehunga High School

  • Byron Bentley, Macleans College

  • Mike Leach, King’s College

  • Mark Shanahan, Waitakere College

  • David Ferguson, Westlake Boys High School

  • Tim O’Connor, Auckland Grammar School